June 14, 2013
The University of
California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
of Philosophy in Religious Studies
November 20, 2007
The University of
Manchester, UK
Master of Science in
Social Research Methods and Statistics
March 25, 2004
Universiteit Leiden,
the Netherlands
Master of Arts in
Islamic Studies
February 8, 1999
The State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif
Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Philosophy
& Social Engagement
Professional Employment
Senior Researcher at
the Research Center for Society and Culture (PMB), Indonesian Institute of
Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta
Social Activities & Community Engagement
Vice Chairman of the Department of Publication and Information
(Majelis Pustaka & Informasi), National Leadership of Muhammadiyah.
A Founder & Chair of Muhammadiyah of North American Branch
A Founder & Chair of Muhammadiyah of United Kingdom Branch
Member of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Muhammadiyah, National
Member of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Muhammadiyah Youth,
National Office.
Secretary of the Department of Information of Muhammadiyah Student Association
(IMM), National Office.
A Chairman of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), District Office
/ Organizer of Interfaith Activities
· Organizing Interfaith
Dialogue and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) in Medan on May 20, 2016. Attended by
six Indonesian “official” religions, government officials, scholars, members Baha’i
Faith, and followers of indigenous religions such as Ugamo Malim. Topics: “The
role government’s religion-related bodies in promoting religious freedom and
protecting religious minorities in North Sumatera”.
· Organizing Interfaith
Dialogue and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) in Surabaya on May 8, 2015. Attended
by most of Indonesian “official” religions and the accused “deviant” groups,
particularly Ahmadiyah and Shi’ah. Topics: “Government Regulations on Religious
Organizing a dialogue between Islam and Buddhism entitled “From
Coexistence to Dialogue,” Jakarta, August 23, 2014.
Working with, advocating, and studying Indigenous religions and religious
minorities in Indonesia, including Ugamo Maling, Buret religion, Sembiran
religion, Ahmadiyya community, and Shi’a community. Since 2005 until now.
Member of the Organizing Committee of World Peace
Forum (WPF), Jakarta,
14-16 August 2006. Organized in collaboration between Muhammadiyah, CDCC
(Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations), and
Member of the Steering Committee of East Asia
Religious Leaders Forum: Cooperation for Peace and Prosperity, Jakarta,
11-13 February 2006. Organized in
collaboration between the Muhammadiyah, Indonesian Committee on Religion and
Peace (IComRP) and Multi Culture Society (SMC).
Organizing serial activities (workshop, research, and
advocacy) on Islam & Peace Building
in Indonesia: the Analysis of Radical Movements and their Implication for
Security-Development Prospects, ICIP
(the International Center for Islam and Pluralism) & JICA (the Japan International Cooperation Agency), June – September 2004.
Publications on Inter and Intra-faith Issues
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (English)
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2016. “Fundamentalism and Religious Dissent: The
LPPI’s Mission to Eradicate the Ahmadiyya in Indonesia.” Indonesia and the Malay World (SOAS/Roudldge). DOI:
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2015. “Sectarian Translation of the Qur’an in
Indonesia: The Case of the Ahmadiyya.” Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies,
52 (2): 251-282.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2014. “Conversion to Ahmadiyya in Indonesia: Winning Hearts through Ethical
and Spiritual Appeals,” Sojourn:
Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
(ISEAS), Vol. 29/3 (Nov 2014): 657-690.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2014. “Treating minorities with Fatwas: A study of the Ahmadiyya
community in Indonesia,” Contemporary
Islam (Springer), 8 (3/Sep): 285-301.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2014. “Hating the Ahmadiyya: The Place of Heretics in Contemporary
Indonesian Muslim Society,” Contemporary
Islam (Springer), 8 (2): 8: 133–152.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2014. “The Ahmadiyya and the Study of Comparative Religion in Indonesia:
Controversies and Influences,” Islam and
Christian-Muslim Relations (Birmingham/Roudledge), 25 (2): 141-158.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2012. “Al-tawassuṭ wa-l i‘tidāl: The NU and
Moderatism in Indonesian Islam”, Asian
Journal of Social Science (NUS/Brill), 40 (5-6): 564-81.
Burhani, Ahmad
Najib. 2011. “Lakum dīnukum wa-liya dīni:
The Muhammadiyah’s stance towards interfaith relations,” Islam and
Christian-Muslim Relations, 22 (3): 329-342.
Burhani, Ahmad Najib, et. al. 2005. “Factors
causing the emergence of radical Islam: A preliminary analysis,” ICIP Journal (TAF/ICIP), 2
(4): 1-23.
Ahmad Najib. 2005. “Delimited Pluralisme: Kajian Sikap Pemerintah dan Masyarakat
terhadap Agama Lokal di Indonesia,” Journal of Character Building (Bina Nusantara University), 2
(1): 41-50.
Book & Book Chapter
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2013. “Liberal and
Conservative Discourses in the Muhammadiyah: The Struggle for the Face of
Reformist Islam in Indonesia” in Contemporary Developments in Indonesian
Islam: Explaining the “Conservative Turn” edited by Martin van Bruinessen,
105-144 (Singapore: ISEAS)
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2013. “Defining Indonesian
Islam: An Examination of the Construction of National Islamic Identity of
Traditionalist and Modernist Muslims” in Islam in Indonesia: Contrasting
Images and Interpretations, edited
by Jajat Burhanuddin and C. van Dijk, 25-48 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
and ICAS)
Book & Book Chapter
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2015. “Empat Tesis tentang
Masyarakat Indonesia dalam Kaitannya dengan Kelompok Agama Minoritas” (Four
theses on religious minorities in Indonesia), in Ahmad Najib Burhani (ed.).
2015. Pluralitas dan Minoritas: Batas-batas Kebebasan Beragama di Indonesia
(Plurality and minority: The limits of religious freedom in Indonesia).
Jakarta: Gading Inti Prima.
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2014. “Khilafah Ahmadiyah
sebagai Satu Model Penerapan Sistem Kekhilafahan di Era Kontemporer”, in
Komaruddin Hidayat (ed.). Kontroversi
Khilafah: Islam, Negara, dan Pancasila. Bandung: Mizan.
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2012. “Tiga Problem Dasar
dalam Perlindungan Agama-agama Minoritas di Indonesia” (Three core issues of
the protection of religious minorities in Indonesia), Jurnal MAARIF, 7 (1/Desember): 43-55.
Ahmad Najib. 2006. “Buret:
Studi tentang agama dan pandangan hidup di Tulungagung Jawa Timur. In Agama, religi & kepercayaan lokal:
penelitian di Jawa Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Timur, ed. Abdul Rachman Patji,
55-85. Jakarta: LIPI.
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2005. “Sembiran: Agama dan
Pandangan Hidup.” In Agama dan pandangan hidup: kajian tentang religi lokal
di Bali dan Lombok, ed. Abdul Rachman Patji, 63-92. Jakarta: LIPI.
Op-Ed in Magazines / Newspapers
Burhani, Ahmad Najib. 2014. "Isu Minoritas
dalam Pilpres 2014" ((The issue of religious minorities in the
presidential election 2014). Koran Sindo,
9 Mei.
-----. 2012. "Time to Forgive and Live in
Harmony With Ahmadiyah." The Jakarta
Globe, September 07.
-----. 2012. "Indonesia a Failed State? Fate
of The Ahmadis Shows It Could Be." The
Jakarta Globe, August 04.
-----. 2010. "Religious orthodoxy and the
blasphemy law". The Jakarta Post,
March 18.
-----. 2005. "Ahmadiyah and the vulgarization
of Islam." The Jakarta Post, July
-----. 2001. “Palestina, Bukan (Sekadar) Konflik
Agama” (Palestine is not (merely) religious conflict), Kompas, January 26.
-----. 1997. “Islam Inklusif, Paradigma Polemis?”
(Inclusive Islam, Is it still polemical paradigm?), Media Indonesia, November 21.
-----. 1996. “Teologi Kerukunan dan Dialog
Antaragama” (the theology of harmony and interfaith dialogue), Suara Karya, December 24.
-----. 1996. “Dialog Teologis Agama-agama”
(Theological dialogue among religions), Kompas,
December 6.
-----. 1995. “Kerukunan
Umat Beragama” (Interreligious co-existence), Republika, October 19.
on Inter and Intra-Religious Issues
Jan 2015 – Dec 2019
Thematic research at
the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, “Plurality
and minority: The limits of religious freedom in Indonesia”. My role:
Research coordinator.
Sep 2010 – Jun 2013
Research for PhD Dissertation entitled “When
Muslims are not Muslims: The Ahmadiyya Community and the Discourse on Heresy
in Indonesia”, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Jan 2007 - Aug 2007
Research for MSc Thesis entitled “Pluralism,
Liberalism and Islamism: Religious Outlook of the Muhammadiyah Islamic
Movement in Indonesia,” University of Manchester, UK.
Mar 2006 – Jun 2006
Collaborative research at
ISIM (International Institute for
the Study of Islam in the Modern World), “Contemporary Development in
Indonesian Islam”, the Netherlands. My role: member of research team.
Jan 2005 – Jun 2005
Collaborative research at
ICIP (International Center for Islam
and Pluralism), “Islam & Peace Building in Indonesia: the Analysis
of Radical Movements and their Implication for Security-Development
Prospects”, Jakarta. My role:
research coordinator.
Dec 2004 – Sept 2006
Research on indigenous
religions in Indonesia, conducted by the Research Center for Society and
Culture – Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PMB-LIPI), Jakarta.
Research Project 1: “Religion and Way of Life: A Study of Indigenous
Religion in East Java”
Research Project 2: “Indigenous Religion in Indonesia: a Case
Study of Sembiran Religion in Buleleng Bali”
Conference, Workshop, and Other Interreligious Meeting
Public Lecture on "Muslim in Asia (2): Muslim in Indonesia,"
Aichi University, Nagoya, Japan, 19 April 2016. My presentation:
"Religious Minorities in Muslim Majority Country of Indonesia".
Public lecture and participating in the International Peace Symposium
on "Implementation of Tolerance for Humanity and Harmony" organized
by PB JAI and Fakultas Ushuluddin & Filsafat UIN Jakarta in the Auditorium
Harun Nasution, UIN Jakarta, 30 September 2015.
Presenter in the Third Australia-Indonesia Dialogue, sponsored by La
Trobe University’s Centre for Dialogue and the Centre for the Study of Islam
and Society (PPIM) and supported by the Victorian State Government of
Australia, Jakarta, 15-16 October 2014. My presentation: "Managing
Religious Diversity, Bridging Divides".
The 6th Al-Jami’ah Forum on Plurality and Minority, UIN Sunan
Kalijaga Yogyakarta, December 6-8, 2013. Paper: “Discriminative regulations on
religious minorities in Indonesia.”
International conference on Religious diversity and identity:
Negotiating state order and civil rights, Gottingen University and UIN
Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, November 20-22, 2013. Paper: “Religious rights of
‘heretical’ groups in Indonesia: The case of the Ahmadiyya.”
The Conference on Beyond binaries: toward a continuum model of
religious normativity, organized by the Graduate Committee for the Study of
Religion at the University of Texas, Austin, March 23-24, 2013. My paper:
"The Victim of Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy Binary: The Case of Ahmadiyya in
The AAR (American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting in Chicago,
Illinois, November 17-20, 2012. Sacred Space in Asia Group. My paper: “Sacred
Spaces in Qadian and their Roles in the Construction of Ahmadiyya Theology.”
The International Conference on Minorities in Islam/Muslims as
Minorities, at Wake Forest University, Wake Forest, NC, October 19-20,
2012. My paper: 'Treating minorities with Fatwās: A study of the Ahmadiyya
community in Indonesia.'
The Conference and Workshop on Militia, Religion and the
Legitimation of Violence in Southeast Asia organized by Asia Research
Institute, National University of Singapore. My paper: 'Force and Discourse:
Militia and Vigilante Groups behind the Persecution of the Ahmadiyya'.
Singapore, June 14-15, 2012.
The Santa Barbara Global Studies Conference (SBGSC) on “Crisis,”
hosted by the Orfalea Center and the faculty of Global & International
Studies at UCSB. My paper: ‘Crisis of Religious Freedom in Indonesia: A Study
of Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Minority’. Santa Barbara, February 24-25, 2012.
Awards, Fellowships & Scholarships
Visiting Research Scholar in CSEAS (Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
Kyoto University, Japan (January – May 2016).
IIIT (International
Institute of Islamic Thought) Summer Institute for Scholars, Herndon, Virginia,
USA (June-July 2013).
The Professor
Charles Wendell Memorial Award, Department of Religious Studies, University of
California, Santa Barbara, for academic achievement in the field of Islamic and
Middle Eastern Studies, 2013.
Fulbright Scholarship for taking PhD degree in Religious Studies at
University of California – Santa Barbara, USA. Sep 2007– Dec 2010.
Fellowship at ISIM (International Institute for the Study of Islam in
the Modern World) on ‘Contemporary Development in Indonesian Islam’, the
Netherlands, 2006-2007.
Chevening Scholarship from the British Council for taking MSc degree in
Social Research Methods and Statistics at the University of Manchester, UK. Sep
2006–Aug 2007.
Fellow at ICIP (the International Center for Islam and
Pluralism) & JICA (the Japan
International Cooperation Agency) on Islam & Peace Building in Indonesia: the
Analysis of Radical Movements and their Implication for Security-Development
Prospects, Jun–Sep 2004.
INIS (the Indonesian-Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies) Scholarship
from Leiden University for taking MA degree in Islamic Studies at Leiden
University, the Netherlands, September 2002 – April 2004.
Conference & Seminar
- Presenting a project proposal entitled "Nusantara Interfaith Initiatives" at the Drew Institute on Religion & Conflict Transformation, Drew University, July 26, 2016.
- Kuliah Umum dan Bedah Disertasi tentang Politics of regulating religion: State,civil society and the quest for religious freedom in modern Indonesia, Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Kamis, 2 Oktoer 2014.
- Public Lecture in the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Filsafat at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, September 10, 2014 on "Studi Agama di Perguruan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia".
- Presenter in the Interdisciplinary Colloquium in the Program Pasca Sarjana at STAIN Salatiga, December 10, 2013. My paper: "Islamic Studies in the Higher Education in Indonesia and the USA: A Comparative Study".
Newspaper & Magazine
- Kerukunan Umat Beragama (Republika, 19 Oktober 1995)
- Dialog Teologis Agama-agama (Kompas, 6 Desember 1996)
- Teologi Kerukunan dan Dialog Antaragama (Suara Karya, 24 Desember 1996)
- New Age, Mistik dan "Agama Baru" Milenium III (Republika, 4 Januari 1997)
- Semiotika Agama dan Problem Kontekstualisasi (Republika, 14 Maret 1997)
- Tuhan dan Keberagamaan Saintis (Suara Karya, 13 Juni 1997)
- Titik Fungsional Agama (Media Indonesia, 27 Juni 1997)
- Mencoba Memahami Bahasa Agama (Suara Karya, 4 Juli 1997)
- Quasi Religion, Gerakan Protes atas Modernitas (Kompas, 26 September 1997)
- Memotret Keberagamaan Muslim Singapura (Berita Yudha, 24 Oktober 1997)
- Kultus, Counter Budaya Keagamaan (Media Indonesia, 31 Oktober 1997)
- Doktrin, Teologi dan Polaritas Logika Bahasa Agama (Republika, 14 Nopember 1997)
- Bangkitnya Identitas Keberagamaan Baru (Gatra, 13 Desember 1997)
- Teologi, Negara dan Kebebasan Beragama (Media Indonesia, 16 Januari 1998)
- Reaktualisasi Peran Agama dalam Pembangunan (Republika, 27 Februari 1998)
- Krisis Nasional: Reaksi Agama dan Rumusan Iman Transformatif (Media Indonesia, 27 Februari 1998)
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